Importing data from CSV files ⇑ top
You can import data to The Bug Genie from a CSV file, pasted into the Import screen. Currently you can only import projects, issues and clients. This document explains how to use the Import feature.
Data must be provided in comma-separated format, with the first row containing column names (which have restrictions - see below). Column values should be enclosed in speech marks if appropriate - The Bug Genie will handle these correctly. In addition, The Bug Genie also performs a number of validation steps to ensure the data is valid, also explained below.
When the tables mention the 'column name', this is what should be in the first row to indicate the column. Some columns are required, some are optional, however if you specify a column in the header row it must be included in every subsequent row. Likewise, you can not specify data in subsequent rows which does not have a matching column marked in the header row.
Importing projects ⇑ top
Column name | Required | Contains | Other details |
name | Yes | Project name | none
prefix | No | Prefix for project issue numbers | By specifying a prefix, the project will automatically use the prefix
scrum | No | Should scrum (Agile) development be used | 1 for yes, 0 for no
owner | No (yes if owner_type specified) | User or Team ID for project owner | none
owner_type | No (yes if owner specified) | Type identifier for owner | 1 for user, 2 for team
lead | No (yes if lead_type specified) | User or Team ID for project leader | none
lead_type | No (yes if lead specified) | Type identifier for leader | 1 for user, 2 for team
qa | No (yes if qa_type specified) | User or Team ID for project's QA responsible | none
qa_type | No (yes if qa specified) | Type identifier for QA responsible | 1 for user, 2 for team
descr | No | Description | none
doc_url | No | URL for documentation website | none
freelance | No | Can users edit issue properties without working on the issue | 1 for yes, 0 for no
en_builds | No | Are builds enabled | 1 for yes, 0 for no
en_comps | No | Are components enabled | 1 for yes, 0 for no
en_editions | No | Are editions enabled | 1 for yes, 0 for no
workflow_id | No | ID number of workflow scheme | none
client | No | ID number of client | none
show_summary | No | Should a summary be shown on the frontpage | 1 for yes, 0 for no
summary_type | No | What to show on the frontpage | Either issuetypes or milestones
issuetype_scheme | No | ID number of issuetype scheme | none
allow_reporting | No | Set whether new issues can be reported against this project | 1 for yes, 0 for no
autoassign | No | Set whether to automatically assign issues based on the leader for projects, editions and components | 1 for yes, 0 for no
Importing clients ⇑ top
Column name | Required | Contains | Other details |
name | Yes | Client name | none
email | No | Email address | none
telephone | No | Telephone number | none
fax | No | Fax number | none
website | No | Website address | none
Importing issues ⇑ top
Column name | Required | Contains | Other details |
title | Yes | Issue title | none
project | Yes | Project ID | none
descr | No | Issue description | none
repro | No | Reproduction steps | none
state | No | Type identifier for owner | 1 for closed, 0 for open
status | No | ID for status value | none
posted_by | No | User ID (NOT team) for issue poster | If not specified, importing user will be set
owner | No (yes if owner_type specified) | User or Team ID for issue owner | none
owner_type | No (yes if owner specified) | Type identifier for owner | 1 for user, 2 for team
assigned | No (yes if assigned_type specified) | User or Team ID for issue assignee | none
assigned_type | No (yes if assigned specified) | Type identifier for assignee | 1 for user, 2 for team
resolution | No | ID of resolution value | none
issue_type | Yes | ID of issue type | none
priority | No | ID of priority value | none
category | No | ID of category value | none
severity | No | ID of severity value | none
reproducability | No | ID of reproducability value | none
votes | No | Number of votes | none
percentage | No | How much of the issue is complete | 0 to 100 inclusive
blocking | No | Does the issue block the next release | 1 for yes, 0 for no
milestone | No | ID number of milestone | none